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The Link Exchanges Sticky

Going through some of the threads here I've noticed some problem posts:
  • hijacks
  • requesting auto bumps
  • link dropping
  • double dipping
What is a good first post?

A post that gives the necessary information - including the url of the site, either directly or via an image.

When should I post as a reply?

Whenever you need more information and you can reasonably expect the OP (original poster) to reply in the thread. That could be to ask for information, clarification or to give feedback.

If you think the reply will be in a private message then you should ask your question that way.

What is a hijack?

Any reply in a thread which is not directed to the OP - for instance requesting an exchange from any other people who may read the thread.

What is an auto-bump?

Some thread starters encourage you to post in the thread rather than asking for or supplying information through private messages. This is so that the thread stays on the first few pages of the Link Exchanges forum.

They should give users more credit for being able to search for threads or to review the forum section more thoroughly.

What is link dropping?

Any time you post the link that you have submitted or exchanged - especially if the words associated are keywords and not the url - will be viewed as link dropping.

As with any thread in Buy/Sell/Trade the details of a deal should be done via private message. Auction bids are best in the thread - but that doesn't apply here.

What is Double Dipping?

It's not uncommon for the people who cut and paste their replies (which should be by private message anyway) to post several times in the one thread. This is double dipping and causes problems for the OP.

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